Running for a better future.

I’m Kim Breckner and I’m the Saskatchewan NDP candidate for Saskatoon Riversdale. I believe the people of Saskatoon Riversdale deserve an MLA who has tangible experience working with various stakeholders for the benefit of the community. For too long Scott Moe and the Sask Party have sown divide and enacted policy focused on buying votes rather than bettering the lives of Saskatchewan people. As a lawyer and in my volunteer efforts, I always work to find common ground among stakeholders in order to build something great – whether that’s a multi-billion-dollar potash mine or a place for inner-city youth to build bicycles. I want to do the same as a member of your Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly.

I had never thought I had the courage to enter politics until I saw the Sask Party’s poor healthcare management directly impact my loved ones. The Sask Party government’s suspension of Saskatchewan’s organ donation program in September 2021 was a devastating blow to my aunt and I, as I had been undergoing the work-up to donate my kidney to her since March of 2021. For others, this was a death sentence. Due to the suspension and the already overburdened health care system, it took nearly a year and a half for the kidney transplant to happen.  

More recently, I witnessed first hand how the odds are stacked against those with mental health struggles when a family member sought treatment for addiction. This family member had built up the strength to finally seek treatment but heartbreakingly it would be weeks before they could access publicly-funded counselling services and months before detoxification and in-patient rehabilitation services would be available. For most people struggling with addictions, this is simply too long.

I can no longer stand by and watch our public services deteriorate under the Sask Party government. Therefore, I ask for your support, not just for me, but for a vision of Saskatchewan that prioritizes the well-being of its people. Let us unite for a better future, where the values we hold dear are reflected in the actions of our government. Together, we can build a Saskatchewan that thrives, where the needs of the people come first.